Ensuring the best quality, NFPA 1851-compliant equipment.
At Redline, we make sure that we have the best quality, NFPA 1851-compliant equipment to rent to students that are soon to be firefighters, are probationary firefighters or are part of an industrial fire brigade. Our passion as a turnout rental company is to ensure the gear we rent to future firefighters is of high quality and we will help familiarize you with the gear you will use on the job as a firefighter.
The standard turnout gear, or personal protective ensemble (“PPE”), consists of the following:
Fire (Structural) Gloves.

Nomex hood.

Optional gear bag.

Bunker coat and pants with suspenders (firefighting turnouts).

Fire helmet with face shield/goggles.


Rubber fire boots.

Gear Sizing Tips
At Redline, we feel very strongly about getting you fit right for the gear you need.
While we can give you tips (like going a size up on jacket and pants), our team can, in most cases, fit you via our Sizing form that we provide for submission. For your rental needs, please call/text (619-733-3808) or email [email protected]
NFPA 1851
All of Redline’s gear is maintained in accordance with NFPA 1851.
One of the most well-known and respected standards organizations is the National Fire Protection Association (“NFPA”). Since 1896, the NFPA has developed standards directly affecting the fire service at the department level. As an advocate of fire prevention and an authoritative source on public safety, the NFPA develops, publishes, and disseminates more than 300 consensus codes and standards intended to minimize the possibility and effects of fire and other risks.
In 2014, NFPA published the 1851 Standard on Selection, Care, and Maintenance of Protective Ensembles for Structural Fire Fighting and Proximity Fire Fighting (“1851 standard” or “NFPA 1851”). The 1851 standard covers the proper care and maintenance of personal protective ensembles (“PPE”) and is extremely important for firefighter health and safety. Instances of firefighter cancer have been directly linked to exposure through improper PPE use, care, maintenance, and handling/storage. In addition, the effectiveness of PPE is diminished without proper care and maintenance, leaving responders at risk. NFPA 1851 is a critical standard for a fire department to understand and implement. Specifically, NFPA 1851 establishes the criteria a fire department needs to follow when setting up a program to reduce potential safety and health risks related to poorly maintained, contaminated or damaged protective ensembles and ensemble elements. Program components covered by the standard are: (a) selection, (b) inspection, (c) cleaning and decontamination, (d) repair, (e) storage, (f) retirement, and (g) record keeping.
In some states, NFPA 1851 has become the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s (“OSHA”), an agency of the US Government under the Department of Labor, standard of care and has been passed as law in other states.